Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Special unit to tackle illegal ads in Shah Alam

Source : http://starproperty.my/PropertyScene/PropertyScene/4375/0/0

Apr 4, 2010
Special unit to tackle illegal ads in Shah Alam
Down with eyesores: A MBSA enforcement officer removing illegal advertisments on a lamp post during a recent operation in Section 13, Shah Alam.

THE Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) is stepping up its fight against illegal advertisements by setting up an Advertisement Unit under its Enforcement Department.

The unit will make daily patrols and scheduled operations to remove illegal advertisements plastered or hung all over the city.

“The MBSA will not compromise with those who do not respect the existing rules and regulations, and will take strict action including issuing compounds and bringing the irresponsible individuals or companies to court in our efforts to curb illegal advertisements,” it said in a statement.

In a recent operation, 40 officers from its Enforcement Depart-ment removed illegal advertisements in Section 13, Shah Alam.

A total of 454 banners advertising all sorts of services like vehicle and room rental, loans, house renovation and bank auction were removed.

The MBSA also issued two compounds to companies that placed the banners without getting the council’s permission.

The council is serious in tackling the problem as illegal banners and posters are hung or pasted all over the place, creating an eyesore around Shah Alam.

Those that are pasted on signages and road names could cause inconvenience and confusion among road users as it would make it difficult for them to identify their location or intended destination.

The MBSA reminded the public that permission was needed from its Licensing and Enforcement Department before any form of advertisement or print material was placed.

Those found guilty of hanging or placing illegal advertisements could be charged under the Advertisement By-law (MBSA) 2007 and fined RM500.

The MBSA also urged Shah Alam residents to be responsible and play a role in ensuring Shah Alam is a clean and sustainable city.

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