Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Important Notice as of July 2010


  1. Due to the rising crime rate surrounding our resident area, the SG Management has install a hand phone number at Guardhouse for you to report should you notice any suspicious people or incidents around our compound.

由于现今治安败坏,为了加强我们的住户安全, 管理层在保安亭安装了电话给居

名在发现任何可疑或有行踪的人物时, 可以联络保安人员。

Guardhouse Tel : 016 – 2543601 保安亭电话: 016 – 2543601

  1. All residents are called to switch on their backyard lights after dark ( especially the houses row A and row F ) to enable the guards do night shift patrolling behind the back yard / back lane.

鉴于保安员需要在晚间漆黑中轮流巡逻我们的住户后巷,为了保安人员的安全和 看的清楚,管理层希望全部住户能在入夜后给后巷的灯火给开了,好让他们能看得清楚和巡逻时不会发生意外。尤其是A 行和 F行的住户,请给于协助。

  1. Recently the Management caught some psycho-person in our compound, whom subsequently handed to the police. We would like to alert all resident to be cautious, in any case you encounter similar people, kindly contact the Guardhouse or the Management Committee immediately.


  1. Drivers/Owners, Visitors/Friends, and Contractors who use our resident compound roads are reminded to drive slow, watch out for cycling children and/ or playing children outside the houses.

To ensure the safety and the overall welfare of the resident and their love ones can enjoy our quiet, safe and beautiful Subang Galaksi, we hope that the residents would be mindful to reduce speed around our compound.

我们希望住户或者住户的探访朋友/家人或者装修工人能在我们的住户范围减少驾驶速度。由于我们拥有一个隔开的范围,我们鼓励所有住户,小孩和运动者善于使用我们的范围,但是汽车需要慢慢行驶, 以避免汽车伤害到开单车的小孩和运动路人。

  1. Lastly, a friendly reminder from Management to all owners that maintenance fees are due. Please kindly remit the payment to help enhance our beloved living quarters. The management will put up the notice board in August, for events listing, contractors costing, listing of defaulters name and unit number as a friendly reminder. Besides that, the management will start suspending the defaulters’ access card from August onwards.


From Subang Galaxy Committees and Subang Galaxy Mgt Corp Sdn Bhd.

(27th July 2010)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Gathering Pictures to share (May 2010 )

30th May 2010, is an important day for Subang Galaxian, as this day earmarked the first gathering in Subang Galaxy. This was indeed a very successful event, where the turn-up is more than expected. Below attached with some pictures for sharing, and the committee would like to take the opportunities to thank all Subang Galaxy owners and residents for their supports.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Council to review projects

This is it: Mazalan holding the Local Agenda 21 blueprint.

THE Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) will do a review of its development projects carried out under the Local Agenda 21 programme.

Mayor Mazalan Md Noor said it had been 10 years since the Local Agenda 21 blueprint was introduced for Shah Alam and the review would show whether the council was on the right track.

“I am satisfied with the council’s sustainable development policies and programmes introduced under the Local Agenda 21 blueprint. “We must ensure that development is not carried out for the sake of developing an area but done with proper perspective so that the future generation will not suffer as a result of poor planning,” Mazlan said after opening the seminar on Local Agenda 21 for MBSA staff at Taman Botanik Selangor yesterday.

He added that MBSA was fully committed to the thrust of Local Agenda 21 which gave priority to providing social stability and being sensitive to the environment.

“Part of the objective of this seminar is to remind our councillors and officers our commitment to the Local Agenda 21 blueprint and we hope the new ones will continue the good work done by their predecessors,’’ said Mazlan.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Subang Galaxy Map/Location

This map has been prepared by a dedicated owner, for Subang Galaxy owners, to guide their guests to their special events/functions - house warming, parties, weddings, and etc. Anyone that wish to invite friends for such events can attach this map in your e-invitation card as a guidance to Subang Galaxy.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Special unit to tackle illegal ads in Shah Alam

Source :

Apr 4, 2010
Special unit to tackle illegal ads in Shah Alam
Down with eyesores: A MBSA enforcement officer removing illegal advertisments on a lamp post during a recent operation in Section 13, Shah Alam.

THE Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) is stepping up its fight against illegal advertisements by setting up an Advertisement Unit under its Enforcement Department.

The unit will make daily patrols and scheduled operations to remove illegal advertisements plastered or hung all over the city.

“The MBSA will not compromise with those who do not respect the existing rules and regulations, and will take strict action including issuing compounds and bringing the irresponsible individuals or companies to court in our efforts to curb illegal advertisements,” it said in a statement.

In a recent operation, 40 officers from its Enforcement Depart-ment removed illegal advertisements in Section 13, Shah Alam.

A total of 454 banners advertising all sorts of services like vehicle and room rental, loans, house renovation and bank auction were removed.

The MBSA also issued two compounds to companies that placed the banners without getting the council’s permission.

The council is serious in tackling the problem as illegal banners and posters are hung or pasted all over the place, creating an eyesore around Shah Alam.

Those that are pasted on signages and road names could cause inconvenience and confusion among road users as it would make it difficult for them to identify their location or intended destination.

The MBSA reminded the public that permission was needed from its Licensing and Enforcement Department before any form of advertisement or print material was placed.

Those found guilty of hanging or placing illegal advertisements could be charged under the Advertisement By-law (MBSA) 2007 and fined RM500.

The MBSA also urged Shah Alam residents to be responsible and play a role in ensuring Shah Alam is a clean and sustainable city.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Subang Galaxy First Residents Gathering


The Subang Galaxy Resident Association Committee (SGRAC) hereby call for our First gathering to facilitate the residents getting to know each other and together enhance the common place of the residential area. We are obliged if you can spare us your precious time for the event below.


30th May 2010, Sunday



Who should attend?

Resident/ House owners

What to bring?

Potluck food (HALAL) for 10 pax

Where to meet?

Playground, there will be canopy, tables and chairs


Dari pihak Persatuan Penghuni Subang Galaksi, kami sukacita memaklumkan hari perjumpaan penghuni bagi kali pertama pada tarikh berikut and diharap semua penghuni dapat meluangkan masa untuk memeriahkan majlis ini.


30th May 2010, Ahad


10 pagi

Siapa harus hadir?

Penghuni / Pemilik rumah

Apa perlu dibawa?

Cara Potluck (HALAL) bagi 10 orang

Di mana kami bertemu?

Tapak permainan, kanopi disediakan


谨代表Subang Galaxy管理层宣布为了让我们此花园的住户和邻居们能有更好的交流和共同关心我们的花园,我们将会举办一次交流会希望各位能齐心出席。


30th May 2010, 星期日




住户/ 屋主





From : Subang Galaxy Resident Association / Subang Galaxy MGT Corp Sdn. Bhd.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Illuminated Sign Board

Committee members in Subang Galaxy had recently installed illuminated sign board, operating at night. This newly installed sign board provides owners and visitors a pleasant feel, and look of our beloved Subang Galaxy Garden, and transforming Subang Galaxy to be the only garden installed with illuminated sign board in surrounding area.

The colors of galaxies - Black, White, Purple, and Yellow. The committee members believe that with this illuminated sign board, they will be more appreciation from the market, thus, fetching higher sub-sales/resell value. With the co-operation from owners, committee members believe that Subang Galaxy will be the best place for having joy together with family members, and friends.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Homedec is back and it will be held at Kuala Lumpur Convention  Center on 29th April 2010 till 2nd May 2010.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Security Clocking System

Another security measure comes to Subang Galaxy committee members mind where committee members decided to introduces clocking system in their compound. Every corner and back lane of SG houses were installed with clocking systems to enhance security and safety.

SG committee members had set security as their top priority list in their TODO list, thus, with the implementation of clocking system, guards were seen patrolling SG compound from 1st March 2010, even in the blackout as mentioned in this blog. NOTHING will stop the professional guards from securing Subang Galaxy.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Yesterday night, 11th March 2010, at about 10.40pm, the entire Subang Galaxy together with surrounding buildings and gardens blackout. This is the first time such backout happened in Subang Galaxy but fortunately, SG committee member took the initiative to trigger emergency backup plan to ensure security in Subang Galaxy were in place. SG committee chairperson had instructed guards to make their patrol rounds in Subang Galaxy on a continuous basis. Squad Security Joint Services guards are good in such unpredicted situation. After instruction received from committee chairperson, the "on duty guards" informed morning shift guards to returned to Subang Galaxy for such incident and patrol their rounds to ensure safety. Luckily, our guards hostel were nearby, and about less than 5 minutes walking distance, they arrived.

Meantime, the chairperson contacted TNB key person to resolve the issues asap. He (TNB) instructed his backup team to look into the issue on immediate basis, thus, they are on the way to Subang Galaxy Substation.

During the patrol (security guards and committee members), TNB key person called to informed the chairperson that the supply will be back in a short while, and this is miracle as the supply immediately restore. This only takes about less than an hour to restore our power supply. We, as committee members and owners/residents in SG would like to give a big round of applause to TNB for supporting our beloved garden to restore the supply. Thanks to TNB.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Security Guard House Emergency Phone Number

Chinese New Year is around the corner, and the committee members understand that some owners might be on vacation, and some planned to visit their hometown. Thus, Subang Galaxy committee members had arranged together with Squad Security Services Sdn. Bhd. to prepared a permanent handphone for security guard house, in case of emergencies. If there is a need of emergencies or suspicious activities, the assigned guard will contact committee members / Subang Galaxy Mgt Corp, so that they can contact owners.

If your house is equipped with alarm system that connected to a phone, and your alarm had been triggered, please do contact security guard house at 0166930943. BTW, wishing all of you a Happy Chinese New Year.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is around the corner but we have yet to feel it. Why? Is it because of economic down turn? I guess NOPE!! The reason that we understand from the market is that NOT much decoration seen. Hence, Subang Galaxy committee members had decided to decorate their beloved home Guard House, just to turn Subang Galaxy to a more happening gardens, not only on security and caring, but is about a big community that live together celebrating all kinds of events together - 1 Malaysia. So, Subang Galaxian, lets celebrate Chinese New Year together!!! Wishing all of you a Happy Chinese New Year and may prosperity be with you.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Say "NO" to illegal banners

Say "NO" to ILLEGAL BANNERS from irresponsible reseller or sales personnel. These are the group of irresponsible people who damage public facilities in our beloved garden by putting up illegal banners with iron wire (children might get cuts from iron wire, paints removed by iron wire during installation of such illegal banners) and advertisement stickers around the lamp post and playground facilities. Most link house development reputation had been jeopardize by such illegal banners and illegal advertisement stickers as it were found all around the garden - TNB feeder pillar, TM Exchange, and street lights. The installation of illegal advertisement banners and advertisement stickers might sooner be expanded to our beloved home - at our terrace house grille, garbage collection metal piece, walls and also door bell button.


ONLY with approved LEGAL BANNERS by MBSA will be ACCEPTED as these banners will have proper stand to withstand such banners. As a result, committee members had taken the initiative to remove ALL ILLEGAL BANNERS from Subang Galaxy.

With the help from committee members in removing illegal banners, and with the help from developer - Gemitra & Subang Galaxy Sdn. Bhd., committee members and Subang Galaxy Mgt Corp, our beloved garden had become a place for Subang Galaxy residents to take a break, and have FUN with their family members.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Maintaining our beloved playground

Developer, together with committee members and Subang Galaxy Mgt Corp had took the initiative to maintain playground/landscaping in Subang Galaxy. These include grass in front of each unit, grass located at Subang Galaxy signage, grass along pedestrian path, and grass located behing Block A (landscaping).

Previously, due to hot and dry weather, the grass is nearly dead/not growing at all. This had turned our beloved playground to an unwanted playground for children as children might get cuts/hurts during their games at playground. Thus, developer and committee members had came to an agreement that committee members obtain quotation from lanscaping contractor and charge the payment to developer for the first year after VP issuance. After the first year, Subang Galaxy Mgt Corp and committee members will take over from developer and to continue paying such landscape contractor to maintain the boloved garden.

As a result, Committee members and owners in Subang Galaxy is grateful on developer goodwill to maintain Subang Galaxy. This also includes better security guards (Nepalese) which charge us higher but developer is willing to help built up a better livings for us. Thanks to GEMITRA and SUBANG GALAXY SDN BHD.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Nepalese Guards at Subang Galaxy

Security is the main concern of most residential area, and this has motivated committee members/management company to consider employing a trust worthy security company, that kept their promises to secure the compound. Hence, Subang Galaxy is NOT excluded from the list. Previously, local guards were employed, and this lead to security breach as these guards NOT patrolling the compound, sleeping during duty hours, and drinking alcoholic drinks during working hours. Automatic gate arms and internal gadgets were missing, and this is NOT healthy.

Committee members had decided to make a change after receiving complaints from owners in Subang Galaxy. Security is in their TOP priority list, thus, they had discuss and finally came out with a solution - employ better security guards company (who are serious in security) and follow orders from committee members/management company. They had gathered few quotations and finally agreed to employ Squad Security Joint Service (M) Sdn. Bhd. This company only employs Nepalese Guards as Nepalese guards strictly follow standing orders. With this guards, Subang Galaxy now is safe and peaceful.