Thursday, December 3, 2009

Telephone (Fixed) Line and Streamyx Available in SG

Dear all,

After negotiation between committee members and TMPoint, telephone fixed line and streamys is available in our compound. Please apply for such service if you need internet connection, telephone line for security and communication purpose.

With this facility, committee members is in the progress of discussion, installing pre-paid fixed line for security guard house for communication, security and visitor clarification purpose. They will be emergency contact number list installed at guard house, and maybe notice board (will be placed at playground or main entrance). Please read notices, minutes of meeting (from committee members) at such notice board soon.

Besides that, for communication purpose, please do email your email address, together with unit number and name of purchaser for further contacts. Please email to


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

Wishing all our Subang Galaxy residents a Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Vacant Possesion - The momment that we have been waiting for !!

Most probably, the buyer of Subang Galaxy have received a letter for the Vacant Possesion claims from the developer and some have already collected the key. Congratulations!

For those who have yet to receive any letter pertaining to the above, kindly check your mail box or call the developer. If you have already received the letter but no key yet.. you may have to call your banker....

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

VP and CFO information

Hi All, here is a guideline and precautions from the Ministry of Housing and local Govt.on Vacant possession & CFO which I hope enlighten all the doubts one has!!!

Vacant Possession

Vacant possession on the building complete with water and electricity connection must be handed over within 24 calendar months from the date of signing of the SPA for landed property and 36 calendar months for subdivided building.

Regulation and Rights of House Buyers during the Handing over of Vacant Possession Ensure the property is free from any encumbrances before accepting notice of vacant possession.

If the developer leases the land or the property, the developer must settle the balance payment before handing over vacant possession.

Conditions that must be followed by housing developers:-

1. Certificate from the developer’s architect stating that:
1. the building is completed
2. water and electricity are ready for connection
2. The developer has applied for:
1. the issue of the Certificate of Fitness for Occupation (CFO) through Form E *
2. the local authority has issued a notice stating that Form E has been checked and accepted by the relevant authority.

* Form E is an application from the developer’s architect to the relevant authority for the issue of the CFO.

The buyer is entitled to enter into occupation of the property only upon issue of the CFO by the relevant authority and renovation may be carried out only upon issue of the CFO and approval of the plan by the relevant authority.

While inspecting the building, any defect is recorded and handed over to the developer to be rectified. Make sure you obtain a copy of the report.

The buyer is entitled to claim for late delivery from the developer.

Source :

posted by: royenglt in Subang Galaxy Forum

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

SG signage

Another RETENTION WALL beside the fencing facing main road (just right beside Block F).

To block cars from entering to backyard.

Spacious road designed for me to park my car??

Our garden - with all kinds of facilities, including a badminton court/multipurpose court?

Road had been painted with arrows.

Another view of our garden.

Gazebo/Wakaf in our garden??

Nice garden with children games equipped.

Roads painted.

grass planted, no weeds found as developer asked contractor to removed and replanted the grass.

Developer flatten the land beside block F.

Subang Galaksi Sign, hmmmmmmmmm

Monday, June 1, 2009

Let's do the poll!!

We have 175 units in Subang Galaxy. And yet, there is only 24 members registered in the forum.
The forums seems to be not active at all... compared to other forums..

Shall we keep this blog and forums? Or shall we delete and abandon it?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Our beloved garden (10th May 09)

Gnd Floor and 1st Floor Layout..

Dear owners,

I managed to do some measurement from one of the unit for our quotation reference purposes.
The dimension is mainly for the kitchen area and also the master bedroom.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DIMENSIONS GIVEN IS ONLY FOR REFERENCE!!! Dimension in other units may vary. Use this only for quotation reference and the final shall be taken on site by the contractor itself.

I have used this to get a quote for my Kitchen cabinets and also the Master bedroom wardrobe... and for the laminated flooring quotations...

Monday, April 20, 2009

19th April 09

Some pictures to share!!! I really appreciate what developer had done for GALAXY. As you can see, the guard house is attached with washroom, our guards had no excuse to leave the place as i knew from other condominium or gated community, the guards normally used this as an excuse and gone missing for some time.

Besides that, our landscape/garden is definitely safe for children as i can see they took out the stone before filling up with soil. None of the developer will be doing this but Gemitra is the only one that i found!!!

So, let us work hard together to extend the hard work put in by developer. I hope that owners can be part of the volunteer committee members to serve our place better.


Latest site report. 18th April 2009

On my last visit to the site, Saturday 18th 2009, the work progress is as below. I apologize for not being able to take any photo during my visit there..

1. Road works. - In progress. They are leveling the ground works and adding those loose pebbles and compacting it. Tarmac & Bitumen is expected to be laid maybe early May or end of April.

2. The Wall (Behind Block F). - Almost completed. The wall is high and the metal grille on top of the wall installed. Some wiring is visible along the wall and I assume it is for the CCTV and Lighting.

3. The Playground. - Ground leveling in progress.

4. Block E. - Block E is seems to be completed and we saw them doing the internal cleaning (such as mopping the floor) and throwing the rubbish out from the unit.

5. Block F. - It seems that Block F may still have some internal & external works. Cleaning have not taken place yet. However, the flooring seems to be completed.

6. The Guard House. - Structure seems to be completed. May have some internal works in progress.

Again, I apologize as there is no photo included in this site report and I hope is any of you guys have possession of the latest photo, and want to share it here.. please forward so we can post it here.